Monday, March 7, 2011

The Truelove aka Clarissa Oakes

By Patrick O'Brian
256 pages

Some can say that not much happens in this book. The fighting starts around page 228 and lasts for 3 pages. Maybe less. There isn't even very much build up.

No this volume was all about daily life in the Surprise as it travels from New South Wales (Australia) to Mahou (a made up island in the Sandwich islands group. Hawaii. ) A women has been snuck on board. A convict! But with Padeen on board it's tough for Jack to throw her off. She is claimed by Oakes and they are married. She is indifferent to sex and physical affection and sleeps with many sailors(?) Stephen befriends her and finds she knows who was helping Leward and Wray!! Oh, now to get the action back to England. Though looking ahead that probably won't happen next book.

I have to say I loved this volume. I found the pace steady, not slow. I often was amazed to find I had just read 50 pages with nothing of notice really happening and yet I enjoyed every minute of it. Thus the greatness of this series continues.

At the start of reading this series I anticipated looking forward to the battles and yes, the provisioning of the ships at shore. But I didn't anticipate enjoying the daily life aboard the ship so much. Though knowing my interest in the daily life of everyday folks during the middle ages, I shouldn't have been surprised.  The alternate name for the book title has to do with the USA release being named The Truelove, a ship, and the British version after the stowaway, Clarissa Oakes.
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