I got this book for one reason. Robin Hobb.
I don’t read a lot of science fiction or fantasy books but the Robin Hobb 9 book series set in the Six Duchies, well they are probably the best stories I’ve ever read. They are divided into three different sets of books. Someday I’ll reread them and try and do them justice with a review. If you’re looking for a world to immerse yourself in then you really can’t go wrong with them. Start with Assassin's Apprentice (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 1)
Looking back through the 6 stories in the book I only remember about half of them. Of the ones I remember, I only get a sense that they left me feeling satisfied after reading them. The Raymond Feist story, The Messenger and the Robert Silverbery story, The book of changes where both good. I could see myself picking up a Raymond Feist book based of his writing in the story I read. Maybe someday. On a more sci-fi slant the Thad Williams story, The Happiest Dead Boy In The World, I remember it as being utterly confusing until the end at which point it all came together for me and made sense. I guess if I had read the books the story was associated with it would have done more for me.
Oh and surprise, there is even a Neil Gaiman story. It says that it is about what takes place after his American Gods novel, which I didn’t read, and I remember that it didn’t hold my interest very well. But go figure, I read two other of his books this year and enjoyed them both.
I guess a book like this in hit or miss. Some of the stories you will enjoy others not so much. But it is a good way to get some exposure of new authors without having to commit to reading a whole book.